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Planning Board Minutes 09/04/08

September 4, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Staff),  Bradley Houseworth (Staff),
Joe Koziell (Member),   Andrew Robblee (Chair),          Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio),    Sandy Snow (Member),    Missy Taylor (Member),   Kathi Wasserloos (Member)
Member & Staff Absent:          Scott Burnside (Member),        CR Willeke (Alternate)

Public Attendees:  Matt Henry (Intern, UNH Masters Program in Public Administration)    

Public Meeting: Chair Robblee convened the meeting at 7:07 PM. The Board reviewed the correspondences and the potential trainings (listed in the latter part of these minutes) first and then returned to the business meeting agenda topics.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Schacht motioned to approve the minutes of the August 7, 2008 Board meeting as presented. Mr. Koziell seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved by the Board.

Review of the proposed changes to the ‘Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations’: Mr. Houseworth continued the discussion of proposed changes to the ‘Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations.’  He explained that due to the Board’s recent decision to have two (2) different construction sequence options for major subdivision proposals, it was necessary to propose revisions to the sections of the regulations related to escrow accounts, performance guarantees, construction sequences, and inspections (Sections VII & VIII) in order to reflect this change.  He stated that he essentially took the proposed changes to these sections recommended by the Town Engineer, Mr. Peter Pitsas, and amended them to reflect the two (2) different construction sequence options for major subdivisions and performance guarantee requirements.

Section VII: The Board reviewed Mr. Houseworth’s proposed changes, specifically Section VII, tentatively titled, ‘Escrow Accounts for Peer Review and Inspection Services.’  A supplemental handout (to the 'red' Town Engineer proposed changes to the ‘Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations’) had been rewritten to clearly show the draft changes to date. The Board made further language changes in the continuing effort to clarify the regulations for future major subdivisions. There was a long discussion concerning the cost of the peer reviews and how the cost is determined. Mr. Houseworth explained that each subdivision is unique and that the cost is determined by the Town Engineer who bases the cost on what each individual review will involve. Other proposed changes included time frames (of written notices, responses from correspondences, etc.) that should be sent by certified mail. The Board felt confident that the proposals discussed in Section VII were clear, complete and definitive. Mr. Houseworth will reword for a final evaluation by the Board at a future date.

Section VIII:  Construction Sequence Options - I & II   In the revised regulations, the subdivision developers will have two construction sequences to choose from. The Board's task with these proposed changes is to clearly define the differences and timing of the two options. Each paragraph was read by Mr. Houseworth and the Board discussed the merits, wording, and expected outcomes for each aspect of the construction phase. The discussion involved the written timeline of Option I (similar to the now-used construction sequence in the current regulations, which is the only choice for the developer).  Possible changes included a change to the value of the percentage of the performance guarantee amount, the irrevocable letter of credit, the issuing of building permits, and the preconstruction meeting. Mr. Houseworth will discuss several issues with Attorney Bart Mayer in order to finalize this portion of Section VIII; Option I. Option II will be drafted and discussed at a future Planning Board meeting.

Master Plan update: The Planning Board is charged with the task of overseeing the Master Plan revisions and amendments, which are recommended every 5 to 10 years. Ms. Taylor is the Chair of the Master Plan Committee and had prepared handouts with a timeline in which to review the revised chapters. She suggested that the Board review two (2) chapters at a time at each Board meeting in order to make the review more manageable.  She also explained that RSA 674:4 grants the Planning Board authority to adopt the master plan either as a whole, or in part, and the Board may want to choose to adopt a chapter or two (2) at a time. For the next Planning Board meeting on September 18, 2008, the Board will review the following proposed draft chapters: 'Construction Materials'; 'Natural Resources and Conservation'; and, 'Energy Usage and Conservation'. Ms. Taylor stated that the Master Plan is the "vision for the community" and therefore an important document to aid the Board in designing ordinances and land use regulations which encourage the best and most appropriate future development of Antrim. The Master Plan Committee's goal is to complete the revisions by December 2008.

Capital Improvements Program (CIP) update: The Planning Board is also charged with the task of preparing and amending a recommended program of municipal capital improvement projects projected over a period of at least 6 years.  Mr. Ben Pratt is the Chair of the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Committee for this year.  Mr. Houseworth explained that he has sent out the initial packets of information regarding the update of the Capital Improvements Plan for years 2009 – 2014 and has solicited new requests from the various department heads.  He stated that Mr. Matt Henry, an intern from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Masters Program in Public Administration, will also be joining the CIP committee this year and helping with administrative procedures.  He explained that he has requested that all CIP completed forms, requests, and supporting documentation be submitted to the Planning Department by the various department heads by Friday, September 19.  He stated that the CIP committee will then schedule an initial meeting to draft a meeting schedule and standard questions to ask of each department.

Antrim Planning Department Report – Annual Review of Operating Earth Excavation Sites: The Planning Department staff reviewed documentation previously submitted to the members regarding the staff’s recent informal 2008 annual review of the existing operations of all active earth excavation sites within the Town of Antrim.  As specified in Section XV (Administration and Enforcement) of the, ‘Town of Antrim Earth Excavation and Reclamation Regulations,’ “The Planning Board or its designated agent shall make periodic inspections of all permitted sites to determine if the operations are in conformance with these regulations and the approved plan.”  He explained that in the past, the Planning Board has chosen to conduct these inspections on an annual basis.  He also stated that the Planning Department was accompanied during these inspections by Ms. Mary Pinkham-Langer (Excavation Tax Appraiser, NH Department of Revenue Administration) and Mr. Dennis Thorell (Consultant & Licensed Professional Forester) in order to assist the staff in determining how to best conduct these excavation inspections.  

After a short discussion, the Board members requested that the Planning Department staff draft letters to the various earth excavation site operators explaining the areas of concern the staff observed during the informal inspections and to notify them that the Planning Department [w/ the Planning Boards’ agent(s)] will be doing a more formal annual review and inspection of all active earth excavation sites in Antrim in 2009.  This formal review will include the completion of the earth excavation operation and reclamation checklists and a review of the existing excavation and reclamation plans for each site.  Any associated violations will be passed on and addressed by the code enforcement officer.  The cost of these annual inspections will also be paid for by the property owner or earth excavation site operator, in accordance with the ‘Town of Antrim Earth Excavation and Reclamation Regulations.’

Board of Selectmen Letter to all Department Heads – 2009 Budget Guidelines and Goals   The Board of Selectmen have established a goal of reducing the overall 2009 operating budget by eight (8) percent or $280,000.00. The Planning Board reviewed the Planning Department expenditures and discussed changes that could be made to better reflect the expenses within the Department.  It was also suggested that the Planning Department staff due a thorough review of the current land use board fees and assess whether they need to be increased to cover staff time and expenses.

SWRPC – Brownfields and CEDS Programs informational folder  The Town of Antrim has two parcels at 72 and 74 Main Street, known as the "Antrim Garage" site, which have has been approved for two (2) Phase I Environmental Assessments and one (1) Hazardous Building Assessment. The Brownfields Program has committed funds to perform these assessment services. (A brownfield is an abandoned or underused industrial or commercial facility where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.) The Brownfields informational folders are is available in the Planning Department for review.

Homes at High Hill Subdivision – Extended irrevocable Letter of Credit to August 21,    2009   The performance guarantee for the ‘Homes at High Hills’ subdivision Road has been extended until August 21, 2009, per the request of the Board.
Homes at High Hill Subdivision – Letter to Ms. Cook regarding foundation on Map 215, Lot 7  The Planning Department staff reviewed with the members a letter, dated August 28, 2008, from the Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer, Mr. Jeff Parsons, regarding his refusal to approve the foundation presently sited on property (Map 215, Lot 7) located off Green Ridge Road (off Ashley Road and Elm Ave) in the ‘Homes at High Hill’ subdivision.  In the letter to Ms. Katie Cook of Kateco Developing, LLC, Mr. Parsons lists a number of reasons why he is refusing approval of the foundation and is requesting that it be removed.  There has been no response to date by Ms. Katie Cook.   

NH Land Surveyors Association – Only a licensed land surveyor can legally determine property boundary lines  The NH Land Surveyors recently sent a letter to various Planning Departments and Board within to reinforce the NH state requirement that only licensed land surveyors within the State of NH or the Superior and Supreme Courts of NH can determine boundary lines. Without the signature and seal of a Licensed Land surveyor, the public has no certainty that the boundary is current, correct, or that the plan depicts all dimensional information.  

NH DES – TOA Shoreland Permit Application Confirmation Letter for Holt Hill Road  
Mr. Houseworth distributed this letter to illustrate that the Town of Antrim is complying with the NH Department of Environmental Services CSPA program by applying for a Shoreland Permit for this project.

Reception for Mr. Bill Prokop scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008 at 4:30 PM at Town Hall   An invitation was made to attend a thank you reception for Mr. Bill Prokop, who is resigning as Town Administrator of Antrim, in order to work with the City of Keene as a Human Resources Director and Assistant City Manager.

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript Article – ‘Coffey: No more e-mail decisions’  An article from the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript was distributed, stating that the New Ipswich Planning Board had discussed in an email a case on the Planning Board's docket. This should not occur.  The Planning Board discussed the importance of only discussing a case as at a Planning Board public meeting.

Conferences, Trainings, and Workshops:
·       NH Local Government Center's (NH LGC) - '33rd Annual Municipal Law Lecture Series,' on Wednesday Nights (9/17, 9/24, 10/1) from 7 - 9 PM in Jaffrey, NH
·       University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension (UNH) – ‘Landscaping at the Water’s Edge: An Ecological Approach to Landscaping Shoreland Property, on Wednesdays, October 8 & 15, 2008 in Swanzey, NH
·       NH Office of Energy and Planning (NH OEP) – ‘2008 NH Fall Planning & Zoning Conference,’        on Saturday, October 25, 2008 in Lincoln, NH.

At 9:30, Mr. Schacht moved to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Koziell, and unanimously agreed upon by all.  Chair Robblee adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Staff, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board